Cattedra Rotelli
Lectures 2017 François Jullien
Professor François Jullien, a philosopher, Hellenist and sinologist, will give six lectures for the UniSR Cattedra Rotelli on the subject Otherness in its philosophical, cultural, ethical and political implications: the dialogue between different cultures, the relationship between linguistic, artistic and moral traditions also a lot distant from each other and in particular the relationship between Western tradition and Chinese thought:
- Europe in China: elsewhere, the other and the strategy of deconstructing philosophy from the outside
Monday 3 April 2017 - 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Discussant: Andrea Tagliapietra (CRISIS)
Discussant junior: Mario Marotta
Aula San Raffaele - Sector B OSR
- Neither comparison nor difference: the gap, the interior, the resource
Tuesday 4 April 2017 - 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Discussant: Francesco Valagussa (DIAPOREIN)
Discussant junior: Leonardo Serafini
Aula Newton - DiBit 1
- For an exploration of the differences (between Chinese and European cultures)
Wednesday 5 April 2017 - 2.00pm - 5.00pm
Discussant: Alfredo Tomasetta (CRESA)
Discussant junior: Veronica Rupil
Aula Newton - DiBit 1
- From the gap to the common: the dia-logos of cultures
Thursday 6 April 2017 - 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Discussant: Roberto Mordacci (CeSEP)
Discussant junior: Alessandro Volpe
Aula Newton - DiBit 1
- The other in the depths of oneself: the resource of the intimate
Monday 10 April 2017 - 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Discussant: Silvia Chiodi (CNR - ILIESI, CRISI)
Discussant junior: Chiara De Martino
Aula Newton - DiBit 1
- Far from the noise of love: intra-holding the resource of the Other; from Being to the Other; the other and the infinite
Tuesday 11 April 2017 - 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Discussant: Francesca De Vecchi (PERSONA and gender)
Roberto Mordacci (CeSEP)
Discussant junior: Ludovica Filieri
Aurora Room - Arese Borromeo Palace - Cesano Maderno MB
Educational seminar. Wednesday 5 October 2016 - Lecture by Prof. Marcello Ghilardi (University of Padua)
Lecture by prof. Marcello Ghilardi (University of Padua) - Wednesday 5 October - 2.00pm-4.00pm
Aula San Giovanni Crisostomo (Dibit2 ground floor)
The intervention of prof. Marcello Ghilardi, researcher in Aesthetics at the University of Padua, will focus on the analysis of the fundamental theoretical plexuses exposed by the French philosopher and sinologist François Jullien with particular attention to the notions of "otherness" and "waste" as the basis for the deployment of a municipality and tensional field of reflection between East and West; fruitful place of understanding, in an intercultural perspective, of the fundamental categories of European thought (Universality, Identity, Culture etc.) through that unthinkable that only the comparison with the "possible" generated by an "other" thought can cause. The lesson is part of the events directly connected to the activities of the prestigious "Chair Giuseppe Rotelli di Filosofia" which this year will inaugurate its first cycle of lectures dedicated to the great themes of contemporary life with the presence of the illustrious French sinologist. Ghilardi, besides being the translator of Jullien in Italy, is also the author of numerous monographs. To mention only the most recent ones: Philosophy of Interculturality (Morcelliana, 2012); The void, the forms, the other (Morcelliana 2014); Modern Japanese aesthetics (Morcelliana, 2016).
Conference 25 - 26 October 2016: Philosophy and Masks of Thought
On 25 and 26 October, the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan will host Philosophy and Masks of Thought, the conference co-organized by
Interdisciplinary Research Center of the History of Ideas - CRISIS of the University and the ICD research laboratory (Interactions Culturelles et Discursives) of the # Université François Rabelais of Tours, through the interventions of its prestigious international speakers intends to make a reflection around the possible dialectization among the fields of philosophy and literature, concentrating its analysis on the aesthetic-dramaturgical plexus of the character. It, understood as a form of anti-power - through its subversive narrative metamorphoses that make it a catalyst of unusual possibilities - and as a critical instance with respect to constituted knowledge, would represent the keystone for a radical rethinking of the philosophical categories seen, through this innovative optics, from that creative outside represented by the territories of art and theater.
Together with the French speakers also our professors Andrea Tagliapietra, Massimo Donà and Francesco Valagussa, Enrico Cerasi, the moderators will be the doctoral students Catrina Piccione and Marco Bruni.
We wait for you in Aula Himhotep, Dibit 1, ground floor, October 25th from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm and October 26th from 7:00 pm
Seminars Amina Crisma
Prof. ssa Amina Crisma
(Philosophies of East Asia - University of Bologna)
China as Other, between distance and proximity: looks at Chinese traditions of thought, from ancient sources to current revisitations.
The seminar course will be divided into 4 meetings:
Wednesday, November 16, 14-16
Conflict and harmony: the onset of thought in China of the axial age, from conventional narratives to today's critical acquisitions.
Thursday, 24 November, 16-18
Between myths and stereotypes: Western perceptions of Chinese thought, from the "discovery of China" to the critique of "orientalism".
Thursday, 1 December, 16-18
Heaven, men: the Confucian way and the Taoist way, between divergences, convergences, reformulations and reinventions of traditions.
Thursday, December 15, 16-18
China and its Others: the relationship with India and the intercultural adventure of Buddhism, relations with the West, the emergence of a renewed synocentrism.
Meeting Theater Philosophy Laboratory - March 14th
"Possible misunderstandings. Should we be silent about what we cannot talk about? "
Roberto Mordacci and Omar Nedjari will intervene.
The show is about interculturality and, in particular, the encounter between China and the Western world in the contemporary scenario.
Who is François Jullien
François Jullien, philosopher, Hellenist and sinologist, has carried out his research work starting from Chinese and European thought.
Rather than a comparison, it has drawn a new problematization which, by deconstructing from the outside the assumptions of European ontology, allows us to reconsider the fields of strategy, ethics or aesthetics from another angle.
This intercultural reflection led him to re-propose the question of the universal, freeing it as much from a naive (ethnocentric) universalism as from an indolent (culturalist) relativism. In this way, a dialogue between cultures is outlined, no longer considered from the point of view of their phantasmic identity, but from that of the resources that their waste make appear for the promotion of the common.
At the same time, Jullien has conceived a philosophy that, moving from the thought of the Being to the thought of the Other, tries to dismiss, in its conceptual writing, the identity taking of the concept that hides life; and, thus, to develop a philosophy of existence as a promotion of resources.
President of the "Association française des études chinoises" (1988-1990), director of the eastern UFR Asie of the University Paris-VII (1990-2000), president of the Collège international de philosophie (1995-1998), professor at the Université Denis Diderot Paris-VII and director of the Institut de la pensée contemporaine and the Center Marcel-Granet. He is currently a professor at the University Paris VII, director of the Institut de la pensée contemporaine at the same university where he holds the Chair on otherness at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme. He was also responsible for numerous series of the Presses Universitaires de France, he directed the magazine Agenda de la pensée contemporaine and was president of the Association française des études chinoises over the years (1988-1990) and of the Collège international de philosophie (1995-1998 ). Several international meetings and conferences have been organized around his thinking, both in France and abroad (Germany, Argentina, China, Vietnam); is one of the most translated French authors abroad, his works have been published and published in over twenty-five countries. In 2010 he received the Hannah Arendt Prize for political thought in Germany; in 2011 he received the Grand prix de philosophie from the Académie française for his entire philosophical work.
Main essays translated into Italian: Elogio dell'Insapore. Starting from Chinese thinking and aesthetics, tr. it by F. Marsciani, Milan, Cortina 1999, Treatise on effectiveness, tr. en. by M. Porro, Turin, Einaudi 1998; The essay is without ideas, or the other of philosophy, tr. en. by M. Porro, Turin, Einaudi 2002; The Big Image has no form. Painting and philosophy between ancient China and contemporary Europe, tr. en. by M. Ghilardi, Costabissara, Colla 2004; Feeding life. Without aspiring to happiness, tr. en. by M. Porro, Milan, Cortina 2006; Thinking about effectiveness in China and the West, tr. en. by M. Guareschi, Rome-Bari, Laterza 2006; Logos and Tao. Speaking without words, tr. en. by B. Piccioli Fioroni, A. De Michele, Rome-Bari, Laterza 2008; The universal and the common. The dialogue between cultures, tr. en. by B. Piccioli Fioroni, A. De Michele, Rome-Bari, Laterza 2010; The invention of the ideal and the destiny of Europe, tr. en. by M. Porro, Milan, Medusa 2011; That strange idea of beauty, tr. en. by B. Piccioli Fioroni, A. De Michele, Bologna, Il Mulino 2012; The "gap" and the "tra". Inaugural lecture for the Chaire sur l'altérité, tr. en. by M. Ghilardi, Milan-Udine, Mimesis 2014; On intimacy. Far from the noise of love, tr. en. by R. Prezzo, Milan, Raffaello Cortina 2014.
- Evil and care. The negative and the search for meaning in European philosophy and Chinese thought
- Wisdom and philosophy. Comparison with Chinese thought
- The idea of effectiveness in Western thought and in China
- The taste and the taste. Comparison between Western and Chinese aesthetics in art and in the kitchen