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San Raffaele Spring School of Philosophy 2017 (SRSSP)

19 gennaio 2017

Deadline for submissions: February 15th, 2017

The research centres CRESA and PERSONA of the Faculty of Philosophy at San Raffaele University, Milan, organize the International Conference and Spring School Perception and Aesthetic Experience. Starting from Noe’s Strange Tools. Art and Human Nature.

We invite submissions by graduate and PhD students, as well as Postdocs and Experienced Researchers, on any of the topics addressed by Alva Noë’s Strange Tools. Art and Human Nature, as well as on any related topics addressed by the author in his previous works. Submissions on aesthetics and perception from other perspectives (e.g. theories different from Noë’s one) are also very welcome.

Submissions should be sent to socialworld@hsr.it by the 15th of February, 2017. Acceptance will be notified by the 17th of April, 2017. Accepted papers will be selected for presentation and for publication on the related issue of Phenomenology and Mind (http://www.phenomenologyandmind.eu/).

Deadline for submissions: February 15th, 2017

Information here

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