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GLOBAL HEALTH LEADERSHIP SERIES - Learning from the brightest minds and most accomplished global health experts

27 September 2019 h. 16.00 - Aula San Raffaele

29 agosto 2019

The seminar will celebrate the expertise of world’s global health experts who dedicated their professional life to reform healthcare and pursue wellbeing across the globe. Speakers from UN Agencies, international governmental bodies and academia will draw from their experience to share their insights and vision on global health. Case studies on tuberculosis control, maternal and mental health as well as health systems strengthening will be discussed. Experts will engage with speakers, faculty and students in an open discussion to stimulate and inspire those interested in pursuing a leadership career in public health and global health. The Global Health Series’ seminar embodies the University’s vision for an international approach to medical training, where students’ engagement and participation are integral to create tomorrow’s doctors.

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