SINe-INS Conference: New Ways of Investigating the Brain –Postponed -  May 2021
Events17 February 2020
SINe-INS Conference: New Ways of Investigating the Brain –Postponed - May 2021
How to make the Internet pages more readable unveiled by a study in collaboration with UniSR
Research10 September 2019
How to make the Internet pages more readable unveiled by a study in collaboration with UniSR
How does our brain react to cursing? A UniSR study unveils the process
Psychology11 June 2019
How does our brain react to cursing? A UniSR study unveils the process
Women in Biometry and Biometry for Women
Psychology06 May 2019
Women in Biometry and Biometry for Women
Psychology28 January 2019
Il libro del Prof. Ferini Strambi vincitore del BMA Medical Book of the Year
Psychology04 September 2018
Il libro del Prof. Ferini Strambi vincitore del BMA Medical Book of the Year
Bambini e psicologia: due interviste alla Prof.ssa Ogliari
Psychology11 June 2018
Bambini e psicologia: due interviste alla Prof.ssa Ogliari
Psychological Tips And Tricks In Health Communication
Psychology11 May 2018
Psychological Tips And Tricks In Health Communication
Webinar di Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication
Psychology10 April 2018
Webinar di Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication
In UniSR 12-13 Aprile COSTNET short conference di Biostatistica
Psychology23 March 2018
In UniSR 12-13 Aprile COSTNET short conference di Biostatistica
Studio, apprendimento e memoria: come controllarli? – UniSR e USI
Psychology12 March 2018
Studio, apprendimento e memoria: come controllarli? – UniSR e USI
Psychology02 February 2018