
International students

Classes for International Students (including Erasmus+)

International students can enroll in any class in any programme of our University:

Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy;

Master’s Degree in Philosophy of the Contemporary World;

Master’s Degree in Theory and History of the Arts and the Image;

Master’s Degree in Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs.

As for the language, note that:

- Every course in the program  PPPA is taught in English; 

- Many classes will be taught in English, in case at least three non-Italian speaking international students are enrolled. Among these, see in particular:

Communication and Media Ethics (6 ECTS);
Philosophy of History (9 ECTS);
Philosophical Logic (9 ECTS);
Philosophy of Perception (9 ECTS);
Semiotics of the Arts (9 ECTS);
Social Epistemology (9 ECTS);
Social Ontology (9 ECTS);
Social Philosophy (6 ECTS);
Contemporary art and new media (9 ECTS);
Art criticism and artistic literature (9 ECTS).

- While some classes are taught in Italian and some in English, an English syllabus/course catalogue is provided for any class, and any exam can be taken in English or in another language to be agreed upon with the teacher. For the description of the course catalogue, see the page of each programme.  

International programmes

Master degree in Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs

All international students can enroll in any class of the master degree in Philosophy, Politics and Public Affairs (PPPA) co-organised by the Faculty of Philosophy of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and the University of Milan.

 PPPA is an interdisciplinary Master's programme offered jointly by the University of Milan and the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and entirely taught in English.


Double master’s degree with ITC Toulouse

In addition to welcoming international students, the students of the master’s degree in Philosophy of the Contemporary World have the possibility to earn an international joint master’s degree in Philosophy in collaboration with the Institute Catholique de Toulouse (ICT).

In order to acquire the double master’s degree, students will have to spend the entire second year of the course at the ITC and earn at least 40 CFU (ECTS credits) within one of the two pathways there offered: 1) Metaphysics and philosophy of religion, 2) Anthropology and philosophy of the person.

Students will choose what classes to attend in accord with the following conversion chart:

Faculté de Philosophie dell’Institut Catholique de Toulouse

Practical Information

Italian Language Course for International Students

UniSR offers an Italian Language course for all foreign students enrolled to its degree programs. Students are divided into classes according to their level and learn basic Italian which they will need for their daily life in Milan and in the University!

Useful Pages and Contacts

Incoming Erasmus+ Study Programme

Incoming Erasmus+ Traineeship Programme

Further activities

PhD Courses

Our PhD Courses offer opportunities of research in various fields and are designed to provide students with the ability to take on new and original research developing both the technical capabilities and the intellectual approach.

The PhD title will provide a professional preparation suited to both the academic career and other research careers.

The Faculty of Philosophy at San Raffaele University belongs to one of the most important Research Centres in Europe, having the body, the mind and the human person as a threefold focus of its three Faculties (Medicine, Psychology, Philosophy). In the national ranking of the best Italian Universities referred to the Higher Education University, drawn up based on the ANVUR evaluation (Nazional Agency for the evaluation of the University and Research System), the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University was ranked overall in 2nd (2.2) after the ROMA LUISS (2.6).

The tables with the partial scores on the indicators considered dall’ANVUR are available by selecting ALTA FORMAZIONE in the following link

INTERNATIONAL TITLES: The doctoral student has the opportunity to expand their knowledge and experiences at the international level earning a double title with Co-Supervised PhD Thesis or achieving the certification of Doctor Europaeus.

Useful Links:
PhD Course in Philosophy

PhD Joint Degree UniSR-IUSS

PhD Students

Research Centres

The Faculty of Philosophy at San Raffaele University belongs to one of the most important Research Centres in Europe, having the body, the mind and the human person as a threefold focus of its three Faculties (Medicine, Psychology, Philosophy).

All teaching and research activities of our Faculty share:
•    a rejection of any rigid divide between Humanities and Exact/Experimental Sciences;
•    an acknowledgement of  the crucial role that philosophy is currently being called on to play, namely to shed light on the relationship between the world of everyday life and those worlds discovered and investigated in recent centuries by the natural sciences, especially by the cognitive sciences;
•    a deep concern for a demand, coming from contemporary society, of enhancement in critical and practical awareness of some crucial issues in modern, pluralistic and technological democracies.

The undergraduate and graduate courses cover all main areas of philosophical studies:
•    Foundations of thought and of reality (Logics, Phenomenology, Metaphysics, Theology)
•    Science, the human mind, language, person and society (Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Sciences, Philosophy of Personhood, Social Ontology)
•    The Right and the Good, individual and public (Moral and Political Philosophy)
•    Ideas, Cultures, Civilisations and their history (History of philosophy, Hermeneutics, History of Ideas, with a specific interest in the history of Italian Philosophy

The research activity of the faculty is developed within the following research centres, which promote and follow the research interests of advanced and D.Phil students, organizing workshops, seminars, conferences (see our current activities calendar)

Credits can be acquired not only following the ordinary courses, but also attending some of the research activities (D.Phil Seminars and Schools, Invited Papers, Conferences etc.)