Aldrighetti Luca Antonio Maria Professore OrdinarioMedicinaMed/18




Studi Compiuti e Titoli

1982 Maturita' Scientifica con pieni voti assoluti.

1989 Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia con pieni voti assoluti e lode.

1995 Dottorato di Ricerca (PhD) in Applicazioni Tecnologiche e Metodologie Sperimentali in Chirurgia.

1997 Specializzazione in Chirurgia Generale con pieni voti assoluti e lode.

2002 Specializzazione in Chirurgia Toracica con pieni voti assoluti e lode.

2002 Corso di Formazione Manageriale per Dirigenti di Struttura Complessa (Area Ospedaliera) della Scuola di Direzione in Sanita' della Regione Lombardia.


Attivita' Clinica e Posizioni Professionali

1985-1992 Allievo e Medico Interno - Prima Divisione di Chirurgia dell'Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano.

1992-1994 Surgical Fellow - Pittsburgh Transplantation Institute (Prof. T.E.Starzl)-University of Pittsburgh - PA, USA.

1997-2003 Dirigente Medico di I livello - Prima Divisione di Chirurgia dell'Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano.

2004-2014 Responsabile di Unita' Funzionale Liver Unit – Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano;

Dal 1 agosto 2014 Direttore dell’Unità Operativa Complessa Chirurgia Generale Epatobiliare – Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano.

Dal 1 ottobre 2019 Professore Associato, SSD Med/18 (Chirurgia Generale), Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano

Le attività assistenziali e di ricerca si concentrano principalmente sulla diagnosi e trattamento della patologia oncologica epatobiliare, con particolare riferimento alla chirurgia dei colangiocarcinomi perilari e delle neoplasie primitive e metastatiche del fegato. Ha eseguito (2004-2019) come primo operatore oltre 3000 resezioni epatiche. Ha specifica competenza nella chirurgia dei colangiocarcinomi perilari, avendo sviluppato un programma di ottimizzazione preoperatoria volto a ridurre i rischi (morbidità e mortalità) di questo tipo di chirurgia. In questo settore, la casistica attuale conta più di 250 resezioni.

E’ tra i pionieri internazionali della chirurgia mini-invasiva del fegato, avendo avviato e sviluppato il programma di resezioni epatiche laparoscopiche del San Raffaele, che risulta leader nazionale ed internazionale in quest’ambito con una serie di resezioni laparoscopiche che conta attualmente (dicembre 2019) più di 1200 casi, costituendo la più ampia casistica nazionale e tra le più ampie del mondo occidentale. E’ Fondatore, Past President e Responsabile Scientifico-Didattico dell’Italian Group Of Minimally Invasive Liver Surgery (I GO MILS), nonché responsabile della realizzazione e coordinamento del Registro Italiano. E’ Membro del Council nonchè Chair of the International Registry Committee 2019-2021 dell’ILLS (International Laparoscopic Liver Society) e Chairman del 4th ILLS World Meeting che si terrà a Roma nel maggio 2023.

Svolge attività di tutoring chirurgico presso altre Istituzioni italiane ed europee, nonché promuove e realizza presso Ospedale San Raffaele eventi formativi specificatamente dedicati alla chirurgia epatica con approccio mini-invasivo. Coordina la Scuola Italiana di Chirurgia Mini-invasiva del Fegato.

Ha partecipato come membro dell’”expert panel” alla 2nd International Consensus Conference on Laparoscopic Liver Surgery (Morioka, Japan; 2014), alla 1st International ALPPS Consensus Conference (Amburgo, Germania; 2015) e al 1st European Guidelines Meeting on Laparoscopic Liver Surgery (Southampton, UK; 2017).  

Attivita' Scientifica

Principali settori di riecerca scientifica sono chirurgia resettiva epatica e trattamenti complementari/adiuvanti per le neoplasie primitive e metastatiche del fegato, con particolare riferimento all’epatocarcinoma ed alle metastasi da carcinoma colo-rettale; chirurgia e terapie complementari nelle neoplasie delle vie biliari (colangiocarcinoma intraepatico, tumore della colecisti, tumore di Klatskin); resezioni epatiche laparoscopiche; LESS surgery nella chirurgia resettiva epatica; aspetti tecnici e biologici della chirurgia resettiva epatica; fisiopatologia della sindrome ischemia-riperfusione epatica; programma ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) nella chirurgia resettiva epatica).

L’attività scientifica si svolge anche attraverso progetti collaborativi internazionali multi-istituzionali – europei e statunitensi - riguardanti gli outcomes e i fattori prognostici della chirurgia oncologica epatobiliare, l’impatto del programma ERAS nella chirurgia resettiva epatica laparoscopica e laparotomica, gli outcomes della chirurgia epatica laparoscopica e della procedura ALPPS.

E’ membro di 18 società scientifiche; membro dell’Innovation Committee della Società europeo-africana di chirurgia epatobiliopancreatica (EAHPBA) per il biennio 2019-2021 ; Presidente Eletto del Capitolo Italiano dell’International HepatoPancreatoBiliary Association (IHPBA) per il biennio 2020-2022.

E’ peer reviewer per riviste internazionali e nazionali di chirurgia e oncologia, Membro dell’Editorial Board di Updates in Surgery (rivista ufficiale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia) e di Hepatoma Research.

E’ relatore su temi di chirurgia e oncologia epatobiliare in oltre 300 meetings nazionali ed internazionali.

Produzione scientifica

Volume della Produzione.

E' autore o co-autore di 663 pubblicazioni scientifiche, delle quali 325 articoli "in estenso" su riviste e proceedings nazionali e internazionali, 338 abstracts di comunicazioni a congressi.

Impact Factor.

235 lavori sono pubblicati in riviste dotate di Impact Factor. L'Impact Factor cumulativo (JCR 2018) e' pari a 650,091, per un Impact Factor medio di 3.278.

Analisi Citazionale.

Della produzione scientifica complessiva, the Institute of Science Infornation (ISI), Web of Knowledge – Web of Sciences (WoS), cita 309 pubblicazioni. Dei 325 lavori scientifici “in estenso”, Scopus ne cita 260 e PubMed 246.

Il numero totale di citazioni è pari a 7118 (fonte Scopus, 1996-2019) e 7195 (fonte WoS, 1994-2019).

Il Citation Index Medio e’ 23 (fonte WoS 3077/174, fonte SCOPUS 3239/160)

Il H-index è 43 [fonte SCOPUS (anni 1996-2019) e 41 [fonte WoS (anni 1994-2019)].




  1. Aldrighetti L., Pulitano’ C, Arru M., Finazzi R, Catena M, Soldini L,Comotti L, Ferla G. Impact of preoperative corticosteroids administration on ischemia-reperfusion injury and systemic responses in liver surgery: a prospective randomized trial.
    Liver Transpl 2006; 12: 941-949                                                                          I.F. 3.756
  2. Pulitanò C., Arru M., Bellio L., Rossini S., Ferla G., Aldrighetti L. A risk score system for predicting perioperative blood transfusion in liver surgery.
    Br J Surg 2007; 94: 860-865                                                             I.F. 5.899
  3. Pulitanò C.,  Aldrighetti L..  The current role of laparoscopic liver resection for the treatment of liver tumors.
    Nat Clin Pract Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008; 5 : 648-654                                           I.F. 13.678
  4. Pulitanò C, Castillo F, Aldrighetti L., Bodingbauer M, Parks RW, Ferla G, Wigmore SJ, Garden OJ. What defines “cure” after liver resection for colorectal metastases? Results after 10 years of follow up.
  5.  Ratti F, Cipriani F, Ferla F, Catena M, Paganelli M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Hilar cholangiocarcinoma: preoperative liver optimization with multidisciplinary approach. Toward a better outcome.       World J Surg. 2013 Jun;37(6):
    1388-96.                                           I.F. 2.642
  6. Ratti F, Cipriani F, Gagliano A, Catena M, Paganelli M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Defining indications to ALPPS procedure: technical aspects and open issues.                                               Updates Surg. 2014 Mar;66(1):41-9.
  7. Ratti F, Cipriani F, Catena M, Paganelli M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Liver failure in patients treated with chemotherapy for colorectal liver metastases: role of chronic disease scores in patients undergoing major liver surgery. A case-matched analysis.            Eur J Surg Oncol. 2014 Nov;40(11):1550-6.                                       I.F. 3.688
  8. Ratti F, Schadde E, Masetti M, Massani M, Zanello M, Serenari M, Cipriani F, Bonariol L, Bassi N, ALDRIGHETTI L, Jovine E. Strategies to increase resectability of patients with Colorectal Liver Metastases: A multi-center case-match analysis of ALPPS versus conventional Two-Stage Hepatectomy.
    Ann Surg Oncol. 2015;22(6):1933-42.                      I.F. 3.857
  9. Wakabayashi G, Cherqui D, Geller DA, Buell JF, Kaneko H, Han HS, Asbun H, OʼRourke N, Tanabe M, Koffron AJ, Tsung A, Soubrane O, Machado MA, Gayet B, Troisi RI, Pessaux P, Van Dam RM, Scatton O, Abu Hilal M, Belli G, Kwon CH, Edwin B, Choi GH, ALDRIGHETTI L, Cai X, Cleary S, Chen KH, Schön MR, Sugioka A, Tang CN, Herman P, Pekolj J, Chen XP, Dagher I, Jarnagin W, Yamamoto M, Strong R, Jagannath P, Lo CM, Clavien PA, Kokudo N, Barkun J, Strasberg SM. Recommendations for laparoscopic liver resection: a report from the second international consensus conference held in Morioka.            Ann Surg. 2015 Apr;261(4):619-29.                                              I.F. 9.203
  10. Ratti F, Cipriani F, Piozzi G, Catena M, Paganelli M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Comparative Analysis of Left- Versus Right-sided Resection in Klatskin Tumor Surgery: can Lesion Side be Considered a Prognostic Factor? J Gastrointest Surg. 2015 Jul;19(7):1324-33.                                              I.F. 2.813
  1. Ratti F, Catena M, Di Palo S, Staudacher C, ALDRIGHETTI L. Laparoscopic Approach for Primary Colorectal Cancer Improves Outcome of Patients Undergoing Combined Open Hepatic Resection for Liver Metastases.          
     World J Surg. 2015 Oct;39(10):2573-82.                      I.F. 2.642
  2. Ratti F, Cipriani F, Ariotti R, Giannone F, Paganelli M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Laparoscopic major hepatectomies: current trends and indications. A comparison with the open technique 
    Updates Surg. 2015 Jun;67(2):157-67.                   
  3. ALDRIGHETTI L, Belli G, Boni L, Cillo U, Ettorre G, De Carlis L, Pinna A, Casciola L, Calise F; Italian Group of Minimally Invasive Liver Surgery (I GO MILS). Italian experience in minimally invasive liver surgery: a national survey.                                   Updates Surg. 2015 Jun;67(2):129-40.
  4. Ratti F, Cipriani F, Ariotti R, Gagliano A, Paganelli M, Catena M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Safety and feasibility of laparoscopic liver resection with associated lymphadenectomy for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: a propensity-score based case-matched analysis from a single institution.
    Surg Endosc. 2016 May;30(5):1999-2010.          I.F. 3.747
  1. Ratti F, Pulitanò C, Catena M, Paganelli M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Serum levels of endothelin-1 after liver resection as an early predictor of postoperative liver failure. A prospective study. hepatol Res. 2016 May;46(6):529-40.                  I.F. 3.415
  1. Ratti F, Cipriani F, Reineke R, Catena M, Paganelli M, Comotti L, Beretta L, ALDRIGHETTI L. Intraoperative monitoring of stroke volume variation versus central venous pressure in laparoscopic liver surgery: a randomized prospective comparative trial.           HPB (Oxford). 2016 Feb;18(2):136-144.               I.F. 3.131
  2. Ratti F, Catena M, Di Palo S, Staudacher C, ALDRIGHETTI L. Impact of totally laparoscopic combined management of colorectal cancer with synchronous hepatic metastases on severity of complications: a propensity-score-based analysis.
    Surg Endosc. 2016 Nov;30(11):4934-4945.                                       I.F. 3.747
  1. Ratti F, Cipriani F, Catena M, Paganelli M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Approach to hepatocaval confluence during laparoscopic right hepatectomy: three variations on a theme.
    Surg Endosc. 2017 Feb;31(2):949  I.F. 3.747
  1. Ratti F, Cipriani F, Reineke R, Catena M, Comotti L, Beretta L, ALDRIGHETTI L. Impact of ERAS approach and minimally-invasive technique on outcome of patients undergoing liver surgery for hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Dig Liver Dis. 2016 Oct;48(10):1243-8.            I.F. 3.287
  1. Wong-Lun-Hing EM, van Dam RM, van Breukelen GJ, Tanis PJ, Ratti F, van Hillegersberg R, Slooter GD, de Wilt JH, Liem MS, de Boer MT, Klaase JM, Neumann UP, ALDRIGHETTI L, Dejong CH; ORANGE II Collaborative Group. Randomized clinical trial of open versus laparoscopic left lateral hepatic sectionectomy within an enhanced recovery after surgery programme (ORANGE II study).
    Br J Surg. 2017 Apr;104(5):525-535.                   I.F.5.899
  1. Martínez-Cecilia D, Cipriani F, Vishal S, Ratti F, Tranchart H, Barkhatov L, Tomassini F, Montalti R, Halls M, Troisi RI, Dagher I, ALDRIGHETTI L, Edwin B, Abu Hilal M. Laparoscopic Versus Open Liver Resection for Colorectal Metastases in Elderly and Octogenarian Patients: A Multicenter Propensity Score Based Analysis of Short- and Long-term Outcomes.
    Ann Surg. 2017 Jun;265(6):1192-1200. I.F. 9.203
  1. Halls MC, Cipriani F, Berardi G, Barkhatov L, Lainas P, Alzoubi M, D'Hondt M, Rotellar F, Dagher I, ALDRIGHETTI L, Troisi RI, Edwin B, Hilal MA. Conversion for Unfavorable Intraoperative Events Results in Significantly Worst Outcomes During Laparoscopic Liver Resection: Lessons Learned From a Multicenter Review of 2861 Cases.
    Ann Surg. 2018 Dec;268(6):1051-1057.     I.F. 9.203
  1. Cipriani F, Fantini C, Ratti F, Lauro R, Tranchart H, Halls M, Scuderi V, Barkhatov L, Edwin B, Troisi RI, Dagher I, Reggiani P, Belli G, ALDRIGHETTI L, Abu Hilal M. Laparoscopic liver resections for hepatocellular carcinoma. Can we extend the surgical indication in cirrhotic patients?
    Surg Endosc. 2018 Feb;32(2):617-626.      I.F. 3.747
  1. Berardi G, Van Cleven S, Fretland ÅA, Barkhatov L, Halls M, Cipriani F, ALDRIGHETTI L, Abu Hilal M, Edwin B, Troisi RI. Evolution of Laparoscopic Liver Surgery from Innovation to Implementation to Mastery: Perioperative and Oncologic Outcomes of 2,238 Patients from 4 European Specialized Centers.
    J Am Coll Surg. 2017 Nov;225(5):639-649.     I.F. 4.767
  1. ALDRIGHETTI L, Ratti F, Cillo U, Ferrero A, Ettorre GM, Guglielmi A, Giuliante F, Calise F; Italian Group of Minimally Invasive Liver Surgery (I GO MILS). Diffusion, outcomes and implementation of minimally invasive liver surgery: a snapshot from the I Go MILS (Italian Group of Minimally Invasive Liver Surgery) Registry.
    Updates Surg. 2017 Sep;69(3):271-283.                                                               
  1. Halls MC, Cherqui D, Taylor MA, Primrose JN, Abu Hilal M; Collaborators of The Difficulty of Laparoscopic Liver Surgery Survey. Are the current difficulty scores for laparoscopic liver surgery telling the whole story? An international survey and recommendations for the future.
    HPB (Oxford). 2018 Mar;20(3):231-236.     I.F. 3.131
  1. Abu Hilal M, ALDRIGHETTI L, Dagher I, Edwin B, Troisi RI, Alikhanov R, Aroori S, Belli G, Besselink M, Briceno J, Gayet B, D'Hondt M, Lesurtel M, Menon K, Lodge P, Rotellar F, Santoyo J, Scatton O, Soubrane O, Sutcliffe R, Van Dam R, White S, Halls MC, Cipriani F, Van der Poel M, Ciria R, Barkhatov L, Gomez-Luque Y, Ocana-Garcia S, Cook A, Buell J, Clavien PA, Dervenis C, Fusai G, Geller D, Lang H, Primrose J, Taylor M, Van Gulik T, Wakabayashi G, Asbun H, Cherqui D. The Southampton Consensus Guidelines for Laparoscopic Liver Surgery: From Indication to Implementation.
    Ann Surg. 2018 Jul;268(1):11-18.          I.F. 9.203
  1. Kasai M, Cipriani F, Gayet B, ALDRIGHETTI L, Ratti F, Sarmiento JM, Scatton O, Kim KH, Dagher I, Topal B, Primrose J, Nomi T, Fuks D, Abu Hilal M. Laparoscopic versus open major hepatectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data
    Surgery. 2018 May;163(5):985-995.          I.F. 3.309
  1. Cipriani F, Ratti F, Fiorentini G, Catena M, Paganelli M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Effect of previous abdominal surgery on laparoscopic liver resection. Analysis of feasibility and risk factors for conversion
    J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2018 Jul;28(7):785-791.
    I.F. 1.257
  1. Fiorentini G, Ratti F, Cipriani F, Catena M, Paganelli M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Tips and Tricks for a Laparoscopic Approach to Paracaval Liver Segments.
    Ann Surg Oncol. 2018 Jun;25(6):1695-1698       I.F. 3.857
  1. Halls MC, Berardi G, Cipriani F, Barkhatov L, Lainas P, Harris S, D'Hondt M, Rotellar F, Dagher I, ALDRIGHETTI L, Troisi RI, Edwin B, Abu Hilal M. Development and validation of a difficulty score to predict intraoperative complications during laparoscopic liver resection.
    Br J Surg. 2018 Aug;105(9):1182-1191.  I.F. 5.899
  1. Ratti F, Cipriani F, Reineke R, Comotti L, Paganelli M, Catena M, Beretta L, ALDRIGHETTI L. The clinical and biological impacts of the implementation of fast-track perioperative programs in complex liver resections: A propensity score-based analysis between the open and laparoscopic approaches.
    Surgery. 2018 Sep;164(3):395-403.        I.F. 3.309
  1. Ratti F, Fiorentini G, Cipriani F, Catena M, Paganelli M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Laparoscopic vs Open Surgery for Colorectal Liver Metastases.
    JAMA Surg. 2018 Nov 1;153(11):1028-1035.        I.F.8.498
  1. Ratti F, Cipriani F, Fiorentini G, Hidalgo Salinas C, Catena M, Paganelli M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Management of hilum infiltrating tumors of the liver: The impact of experience and standardization on outcome.
    Dig Liver Dis. 2019 Jan;51(1):135-141.   I.F.3.287
  1. Levi Sandri GB, Ettorre GM, ALDRIGHETTI L, Cillo U, Dalla Valle R, Guglielmi A, Mazzaferro V, Ferrero A, Di Benedetto F, Gruttadauria S, De Carlis L, Vennarecci G; I Go MILS Group on HCC. Laparoscopic liver resection of hepatocellular carcinoma located in unfavorable segments: a propensity score-matched analysis from the I Go MILS (Italian Group of Minimally Invasive Liver Surgery) Registry.
    Surg Endosc. 2019 May;33(5):1451-1458.         I.F.3.747
  1. Ratti F, Fiorentini G, Cipriani F, Paganelli M, Catena M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Safety of minimally invasive liver resections during live surgery: a propensity score based assessment.
    HPB (Oxford). 2019 Mar;21(3):328-334.       I.F.3.131
  1. Ratti F, Fiorentini G, Cipriani F, Paganelli M, Catena M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Perioperative and Long-Term Outcomes of Laparoscopic Versus Open Lymphadenectomy for Biliary Tumors: A Propensity-Score-Based, Case-Matched Analysis.
    Ann Surg Oncol. 2019 Feb;26(2):564-575.      I.F. 3.857
  1. Fiorentini G, Ratti F, Cipriani F, Cinelli L, Catena M, Paganelli M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Theory of Relativity for Posterosuperior Segments of the Liver.
    Ann Surg Oncol. 2019 Apr;26(4):1149-1157.            I.F. 3.857
  1. van der Poel MJ, Barkhatov L, Fuks D, Berardi G, Cipriani F, Aljaiuossi A, Lainas P, Dagher I, D'Hondt M, Rotellar F, Besselink MG, ALDRIGHETTI L, Troisi RI, Gayet B, Edwin B, Abu Hilal M. Multicentre propensity score-matched study of laparoscopic versus open repeat liver resection for colorectal liver metastases.
    Br J Surg. 2019 May;106(6):783-789. I.F. 5.899
  1. Cipriani F, Ratti F, Cardella A, Catena M, Paganelli M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Laparoscopic Versus Open Major Hepatectomy: Analysis of Clinical Outcomes and Cost Effectiveness in a High-Volume Center.
    J Gastrointest Surg. 2019 Feb 4. doi: 10.1007/s11605-019-04112-4.              I.F. 2.813
  1. Fiorentini G, Swaid F, Cipriani F, Ratti F, Heres C, Tsung A, ALDRIGHETTI L, Geller DA. Propensity Score-Matched Analysis of Pure Laparoscopic Versus Hand-Assisted/Hybrid Major Hepatectomy at Two Western Centers.
    World J Surg. 2019 Apr 5. doi: 10.1007/s00268-019-04998-w.
    I.F. 2.642
  1. ALDRIGHETTI L, Cipriani F, Fiorentini G, Catena M, Paganelli M, Ratti F. A stepwise learning curve to define the standard for technical improvement in laparoscopic liver resections:  complexity-based analysis in 1032 procedures. Updates Surg. 2019 doi: 10.1007/s13304-019-00658-9  I.F. 2.470
  1. Cipriani F, Ratti F, Paganelli M, Reineke R, Catena M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Laparoscopic or open approaches for posterosuperior and anterolateral liver resections? A propensity score based analysis of the degree of advantage.
    HPB (Oxford). 2019 Jun 14. pii: S1365-182X(19)30545-3. doi: 10.1016/j.hpb.2019.05.006. I.F. 3.131
  1. Ratti F, Fuks D, Cipriani F, Gayet B, ALDRIGHETTI L. Timing of Perioperative Chemotherapy Does Not Influence Long-Term Outcome of Patients Undergoing Combined Laparoscopic Colorectal and Liver Resection in Selected Upfront Resectable Synchronous Liver Metastases.
    World J Surg. 2019 Aug 26. doi: 10.1007/s00268-019-05142-4.
    I.F. 2.642
  1. Ratti F, Serenari M, Zanello M, Prosperi E, Cipriani F, Ercolani G, Jovine E, Cescon M, ALDRIGHETTI L. Appraisal of disease-specific benefits of minimally invasiveness in surgery of breast cancer liver metastases.
    J Surg Oncol. 2019 Sep 9. doi: 10.1002/jso.25702.
    I.F. 3.244
  1. Ardito F, ALDRIGHETTI L, Guglielmi A, Jovine E, Cillo U, Ferrero A, De Carlis L, Belli G, Dalla Valle R, Slim A, Mazzaferro V, Navarra G, Ettorre GM, Calise F, Pinna AD, Giuliante F; Italian Group of Minimally Invasive Liver Surgery (I Go MILS). Surgical Management of Hepatic Benign Disease: Have the Number of Liver Resections Increased in the Era of Minimally Invasive Approach? Analysis from the I Go MILS (Italian Group of Minimally Invasive Liver Surgery) Registry.
    J Gastrointest Surg. 2019 Sep 10. doi: 10.1007/s11605-019-04260-7.        I.F. 2.813
  1. Linecker M, Kambakamba P, Raptis DA, Malagó M, Ratti F, ALDRIGHETTI L, Robles-Campos R, Lehwald-Tywuschik N, Knoefel WT, Balci D, Ardiles V, De Santibañes E, Truant S, Pruvot FR, Stavrou GA, Oldhafer KJ, Voskanyan S, Mahadevappa B, Kozyrin I, Low JK, Ferrri V, Vicente E, Prachalias A, Pizanias M, Clift AK, Petrowsky H, Clavien PA, Frilling A. ALPPS in neuroendocrine liver metastases not amenable for conventional resection - lessons learned from an interim analysis of the International ALPPS Registry.
    HPB (Oxford). 2019 Sep 17. pii: S1365-182X(19)30701-4. doi: 10.1016/j.hpb.2019.08.011.          I.F. 2.918
  1. Viganò L, Torzilli G, Troisi R, ALDRIGHETTI L, Ferrero A, Majno P, Toso C, Figueras J, Cherqui D, Adam R, Kokudo N, Hasegawa K, Guglielmi A, Krawczyk M, Giuliante F, Hilal MA, Costa-Maia J, Pinna AD, Cescon M, De Santibanes E, Urbani L, Pawlik T, Costa G, Zugna D; CLISCO group. Viganò L, Torzilli G, Troisi R, Aldrighetti L, Ferrero A, Majno P, Toso C, Figueras J, Cherqui D, Adam R, Kokudo N, Hasegawa K, Guglielmi A, Krawczyk M, Giuliante F, Hilal MA, Costa-Maia J, Pinna AD, Cescon M, De Santibanes E, Urbani L, Pawlik T, Costa G, Zugna D; CLISCO group. Minor Hepatectomies: Focusing a Blurred Picture: Analysis of the Outcome of 4471 Open Resections in Patients Without Cirrhosis.
    Ann Surg. 2019 Sep 27. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000003493.
    I.F. 9.203
  1. Tsilimigras DI, Mehta R, Moris D, Sahara K, Bagante F, Paredes AZ, Moro A, Guglielmi A, ALDRIGHETTI L, Weiss M, Bauer TW, Alexandrescu S, Poultsides GA, Maithel SK, Marques HP, Martel G, Pulitano C, Shen F, Soubrane O, Koerkamp BG, Endo I, Pawlik TM. A Machine-Based Approach to Preoperatively Identify Patients with the Most and Least Benefit Associated with Resection for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: An International Multi-institutional Analysis of 1146 Patients.
    Ann Surg Oncol. 2019 Nov 14. doi: 10.1245/s10434-019-08067-3         I.F. 3.857
  1. Russolillo N, ALDRIGHETTI L, Cillo U, Guglielmi A, Ettorre GM, Giuliante F, Mazzaferro V, Dalla Valle R, De Carlis L, Jovine E, Ferrero A; I Go MILS Group. Risk-adjusted benchmarks in laparoscopic liver surgery in a national cohort.
    Br J Surg. 2020 Jan 10. doi: 10.1002/bjs.11404. I.F. 5.899

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