Comi Giancarlo Professore Onorario




Name: Giancarlo Comi
Place and date of birth: Carvico (BG), Italy – 15 December 1947
Full Work address: Department of Neurology, Scientific Institute S. Raffaele, via Olgettina 48, 20132 Milan, Italy

1967 Scientific Lyceum Lussana Bergamo: BS
1973 University of Milan Medical School: MD with honours
1977 University of Milan Medical School: Neurology Certification with honours
1988-93 Associate Professor in Clinical Neurophysiology – University of Milan
1993-96 Associate Professor in Neurophysiopathology – University of Milan
1996-2001 Associate Professor in Neurology – University of Milan
2001- Full Professor of Neurology – University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan
2001 Catedra Straordinaria de Neurologia – Università Complutense, Madrid
2001 Director of the Post-degree school in Neurology – University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan
2005- Director of the Post-degree school in Neurophysiopathology – University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan
2007- Scientific coordinator, phd programme in Experimental Neurology within Molecular medicine

1973-74 Internship in Neurology, Ospedale Policlinico, Milan
1974-86 Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, University of Milan, Scientific Institute S. Raffaele
1986-96 Vice-Chairman, Dept. of Neurology and Dept. of Neurophysiology, H S. Raffaele
1986-2000 Coordinator, MS Centre H.S. Raffaele
1997-2000 Chairman, Department of Neurophysiology, H San Raffaele
2000-2008 Director, Department of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology, Scientific Institute San Raffaele
2001- Scientific Director, MS Centre, Scientific Institute San Raffaele
2002- Scientific Director, MS Centre, Az. Osp. Sant’Antonio Abbate, Gallarate (VA)
2002-2008 Director, Department of Neurorehabilitation, Scientific Institute San Raffaele
2004- Founder and Chairman, Institute Experimental Neurology (INSPE), Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan
2008- Chairman, Department of Neurology, Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan
2009- Member of the Scientific Technical Board, Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan

1984-87 UILDM Scientific Committee Secretariat
1984 Temporary Advisor OMS for diabetic neuropathy
1985-87 Consultant of EEC for MS research
1985 Consultant of EEC for EP research
1983-89 Italian Society of Neuroepidemiology Steering Committee member
1987-96 Italian Society Clinical Neurophysiology Steering Committee Member
1992-1998 National Association of Informatics in Neuroscience Steering Committee member
1993-1997 American Academy of Clinical Neurophysiology Executive Committee member
1994- European Charcot Foundation for MR Researches Executive Board member
1995-today Updates in Clinical Neurology Scientific Director
1995-2001 Italian Society of Neurology Steering Committee member
1996-99 Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology Secretariat
1997-2001 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology Strategic Plan Board Member
1998-2002 European Neurological Society Executive Committee member
1999-2002 International School on Multiple Sclerosis Scientific Director
1999-2002 Italian Society of Psychophysiology President
1999-today Department of Neuroscience – IRCCS H San Raffaele Coordinator
2000-2004     Executive Committee Member, European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis
2000- Member, Scientific Committee AISM
2000- Member, Board of Administration FISM
2000-2004 Director, European Neurological Society (ENS) Courses
2001-2002 Member of the European Charcot Foundation Network Editorial Experts
2001- Scientific Director, MS Academia
2001-2008 Member, Secretariat Committee SIN-SNO Lombardia
2001- Member of the Clinical Trial Working Group (SLCMSR)
2002- Member of the Executive Board of the European Charcot Foundation
2002-2006 Member, Constitution & Bye-Law Committee of the World Federation of Neurology
2002- Vice President, European Charcot Foundation
2003- Scientific Director, Meetings’ “Top Seminars”
2003- Member, Executive Scientific Committee, Fondazione C. Serono
2003-2007 President, Scientific Committee ARIN
2003- Member, INSERM Expert Base
2003- Member, EFNS Publication Committee
2006-2008 President, European Neurological Society
2006-2008 President, Società Italian Neurofisiologia Clinica
2008- President, Scientific Committee, Serono Symposia International Foundation
2010- Honorary member, Clinical Neuroscience section, Accademia Nazionale Medicina
2010-2012 Presidente-elect, Società Italiana di Neurologia (SIN)
2012- Member, Medscape Neurology Advisory Board
2012- Member, Board of Serono Symposia International Foundation
2010-2012 President-elect, Società Italiana di Neurologia (SIN)
2012-2014 President, Società Italiana di Neurologia (SIN)
2013- Member, Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Umberto Veronesi

2012 Romanian Society of Neurology honorary award “Gh. Marinescu”
2012 Honorary membership of the Russian Neurological Academic Society

Associate Editor
Neurological Sciences
Managing Editor:
Topics in Neurosciences

Member of the Editorial Boards
Clinical Investigation
European Journal Neurology
European Medical Journal
European Neurological Review
Latin American Multiple Sclerosis Journal
MS Review Journal
Multiple Sclerosis Journal
Neurological Sciences
Quaderni di Medicina Clinica e Sanità Pubblica

Reviewer for
Acta Diabetologica
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica
Annals of Neurology
Clinical Neurophysiology
European Neurology
European Journal of Neurology
Journal of Neuroimmunology
Journal of Neurology
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
Neurological Sciences
The Lancet
Trends in Medicine

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